Aspen Mountain Tots

Child Care
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We are a year-round program.

AMT is a preschool program that embraces a playful learning curriculum with a strong emphasis on social-emotional learning.

These social skills are critical to the child's educational success; Children who master these skills before kindergarten are able to focus on the increasingly academic nature of early elementary curriculums.

Emotion coaching teaches children to identify their emotions and those of others. Becoming comfortable with their emotions leads to greater ease of self-regulating, labeling and communicating their feelings, and finding empathy for the feelings of others.

Our play-based curriculum is balanced with free play, loose parts, open-ended materials, child-led, and teacher-directed opportunities.

Contact Information:

Address: 215 N Garmisch st

Phone: 9703094211



Languages: English


Child Care Information:

Age Groups: 3-5

Childcare Provider Type: Licensed Childcare Provider

Colorado Shines Rated: No

Financial Assistance: Kid First Financial Aid

Childcare times: Year-round

Location: Aspen

Childcare scholarships offered: No